Prospective students that are located more than 100 miles from the campus are able to enroll via email, mail or phone; however, each student MUST tour the facility in person prior to enrollment.
The student must complete all of the above mentioned Admission Conditions and Requirements. All Financial Aid conditions must be completed, and the required deposit must be received in order to enroll via phone. Financial Aid officers are unable to assist students in the application for Federal Aid or for a Parent Plus loan via phone. If assistance is needed to complete financial aid, an appointment must be made to meet with one of our Financial Aid Officers in person. All prospective students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA and correct all errors prior to meeting with a Financial Aid Officer. The Department of Education Federal Student Aid program will assist with all applications.
Enrollment agreements emailed will be reviewed between the Admissions Rep and the prospective student over the phone. The prospective student must then fax or email a copy of the signed enrollment agreement to the Admissions Rep and the original must be mailed to The Fab SchoolTM postmarked within 24 hours. If a student enrolls via distance and cancels his or her enrollment agreement, he or she must be present to re-enroll for a new start date.